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Duplicate task of last week in new week




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    David Lowe

    As a user I would like to be able to copy my time sheet items in from the previous week

    As an added feature I would like to be able to select the week that I copy in

    A copy from week drop down with a list of available weeks would be ideal

    The system would load in the right epics, features and tasks etc. but would leave the time blank

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    Lars Romson

    We're trying out TFS/VSTS and the possibiltiy to copy last weeks tasks into (or at least to view them in) current week would be really nice.



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    Sharla Ruland

    If a task is assigned to a person and isn't closed, it should flow to their timesheet automatically each week

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    Andrea Moro

    Hi All

    you'll be pleased to hear that Timesheet work items can now be “copied” or filled from previous weeks (even if there are no tracks assigned to these items in the displayed week). This makes the process of filling your timesheet easier if you work on the same items for multiple weeks. This was one of the most requested features on our community forum and we already have some ideas on how we could improve it, but for now some feedback on the current implementation would be very welcome!

    Thank you all for your patience with this one and hopefully we've made logging time a little easier for you this week :)

    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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    T Mumford

    Hi Andrea,

    I'm not seeing a copy function anywhere. Where should I see it?

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    Andrea Moro

    Hi there,

    it's on the filter bar on the top right of the Timesheet page (the 'Show item from <previous week>' element). You can find more information here

    Kind regards,

    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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    Marc Schaeffler

    For users with tasks that are repeating over the weeks, using My Times to enter the worklogs again and again is not a perfect experience. We are aware of that. Considering the current interface, copying tasks from last week to the current week might be confusing.
    Someone out there to add some comments to this to get a better understanding of other/similar use cases behind that? I'm curious to learn.

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