We have just performed our yearly TFS on-premise update to TFS 2017 and we did _not_ switch do the new work item form as we have lots of customizations which are broken in the new form. Since the update the time tracker tab inside work items is removed.
We isolated the issue to this post: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003196163-Why-can-t-I-see-the-Timetracker-Time-Tab-on-the-work-item-form-in-TFS-2017-
Apparantly, the "time" button inside our work items (bugs & task) is gone and you have not fixed this yet despite stating that you fully support TFS 2017 on premise.
As we are bound to the legacy work item form, one of the main benefits of the product is gone.
Official comment
Unfortunately, the priority of this issue has been confirmed low after internal discussions with the product owner. To our information, the legacy work item form is discontinued by Microsoft and it is recommended to switch to the new work item form as soon as possible. An integration of Timetracker into the legacy work item form of TFS 2017 is not planned.
Thanks for bringing that case up here in the forum, we appreciate your feedback.
Comment actions -
The old form has been dismissed by Microsoft for further development, and it is not recommended to be used any longer.
The availability of the two is to allow users to switch to the new work-item-form at their own pace.Let us keep that case open and do some research if there is a possibility to get the legacy form back working again.
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