Budgets should be assignable to an area path. We use a single team project to manage all work across multiple projects and systems within a single organizational division in our agency. TFS teams and area paths allow us to break out the work and focus the teams appropriately. We actually use a single iteration hierarchy across all teams within a team project. 7pace time tracking's pattern of assigning budgets to iterations means that we have to directly assign the budgets to the work items most of the time. Being able to assign to area paths would allow us to better align budgets on how the work is divided (area paths), rather than how it is scheduled (iterations).
Andrea, I have found that associating budgets to iterations not useful. If the whole company is on the same iteration schedule, then it is a lot of maintenance to create the same iteration schedule for every project (area path). It makes more sense just to have one iteration schedule that is used across projects, as Simon noted in the initial post three years ago. As noted by users above, it makes more sense to use Areas (which don't change with every iteration) and associate them with a billing method (and budget). For example, we are considering having the first sub-area as how the project will be billed (time and materials, fixed price, maintenance contract, no charge, etc.) and then have sub-areas under those be the projects. In this way, we know how to charge what body of work. Having budgets associated to those areas is way more useful than using iterations. How it was decided to associate iterations and individual work items to budgets is not something I understand.
Same here. We use area path for the different applications and one team supports multiple of those. Different applications get billed differently and need different budgets.
It would be great to assign multiple area paths to one budget. But of course one area path can only be added to one budget.
Sub area paths should inherit the budget from the parent - unless it has been added to another budget. That would break the inheritance.
I was also looking to add this request. Pretty much the same use case. We figured out based on the tfs organization and timetracker organization the best way for us to handle some of our budgeting and invoicing processes is using Area Paths. We're currently exporting to excel and manually handling budgets for all our individual projects. But if the TimeTracker Budget page had a little more flexibility on managing the work items that belong to the budget we may be able to drop about 75-90% of our manual work needed on all our initial project budget setup and monthly invoicing.
7Pace Team, I have the same request/need. Iterations and sprints are tied together, however the work inside both span across multiple budgets. I am spending hours updating tasks one by one to the proper budget because iterations are utilized by the sprint team for sprints...again that contain tasks and user stories that span multiple budgets. Please provide the functionality to assign budgets at the Area Path level! I would appreciate feedback on how/when this can be done in TimeTracker and if it can't be done, then understanding about why. Thanks in advance!
I think this would be very good for us. We have a number of different minor projects for the same customer, and all of them should be invoiced on separate budgets, although the work happens the same iteration and released in same release
Using areas seem to be the logical and most efficient way to do it!
Hi Magnus
thank you for your message! We'll need to look into this more in details as there are some concerns that this could have unintended consequences on the existing logic. In the meantime, did you know that now it is possible to assign budgets to root iterations (projects)? Is this something you could use as a work around?
Product Owner - www.7pace.com -
Hi Scott,
thank you for your feedback on this, it's very helpful. Recently this request seems to be coming up more and more regularly on our support channels as well, so we decided to add it to our backlog for further consideration. We'll keep you posted!
Product Owner - www.7pace.com -
Hi Wahid,
I am afraid I don't have any updates that I can share with you yet. Recently our focus has been on performance improvements and we are now compiling a list of 'smaller' features that we can implement in the upcoming months - I am hoping we will be able to add this one too. I'll let you know once I have more information.
Thank you for your patience.
Product Owner - www.7pace.com -
Hi Mike,
thanks for reaching out! I am afraid I don't have any updates that I can share with you yet. We definitely understand the need for this feature, but we are currently focusing on other features and functionalities. I am hoping we will be able to add this one soon. I'll let you know once we have more information.
Thank you for your patience.
Cheers, Nici
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