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Feature Request for way to prevent overlapping time

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    7pace tech support

    Hi Justin, 

    We planned this feature for our releases later this year. We will bring redesign of the Add Time feature with indicators of time overlapping and we'll add possibility to prevent overlapping there.



    Maxim Lutsan

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    Juraj Roman

    Hello Maxim,


    would like to ask, was this feature implemented or even released ? i was about to create the very same request, but I have found this one.


    in our case, we would also need to have an option, to set, if we enable/disable to enter overlapping timeframes. this option should be available only for roles administrator, eventually budged.


    Juraj Roman

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    Hi Juraj

    Andrea from the 7pace team here, apologies for the slightly late response on this one.

    I don't have an ETA for when this will be released yet however you'll be glad to know that we are now working on a proof of concept!

    Below are some screenshots - the idea is to add a bar underneath the comment section of the Add Time dialog to visualise different work-logs on a timeline, each colour indicating a different activity type. The red bit is flagging an overlap. In the last image you can see what it will look like when a new work-log is about to be added (no overlap).

    We'd love to hear what you all think about this, just please bear in mind that this is just a POC at this stage ;-)





    Kind Regards,

    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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    Andrea Moro

    For future reference, here is an additional request from one of our customers

    I go through each day in the monthly view to validate my time.  This might happen at the end of the day or end of the month. Sometimes if i create an entry that overlaps another entry I have to modify the start and end times by a few minutes.  

    First nice thing to have on the monthly view is if time overlaps during the day it shows those entries as red or something OR an icon on the day of the month indicating there is overlapping time.

    Just realized the same is true if there is a gap of 1-2 minutes while you are trying to find a work item to record against.  That scenario would be harder to decide if the system would mark it red or not.  Maybe a system setting of show red if 5 minutes or less gap. If I were making $40 / hr that would be 66 cents each minute I/or the company would lose :-)

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    Joao Veri

    Hi! I just created the same request before finding this one.

    Do you have any predictions on when this will be released?

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    Nicole Tropper

    Hey Joao,

    Unfortunately, we don't have any immediate plans to add that feature. But we do think it's valuable so there is a good chance it will be implemented in the future. Just a quick question: Are you looking for a visual aid to see overlapping worklogs, or do you want to prevent them altogether for the team?

    Thanks and all the best, Nici

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