Update Time Without Client Download

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    Marc Schaeffler

    Hi Adam, 

    The approach is a bit different.

    Basically, there are quite a lot of options how to enter time - check out our 2 minute video tutorial to get a first impression on how to add times. https://www.7pace.com/blog/the-9-best-ways-to-track-your-efforts-with-timetracker/

    The Completed Work/Remaining Time fields from TFS/VSTS are under control of the host system and changes here do not update Timetracker. And it wouldn't make too much sense anyways. These field are used to serve internal features such as the burndown, or to connect to Microsoft Project Server, just to name two examples. The fields should reflect the result that you like to report. The trick is the other way round.

    Data entry happens on various other places (see video) in Timetracker. These tracked times ('worklogs') are computed by Timetracker into the Completed Work/Remaining Time fields, so that burndown within TFS and so on is up to date automatically.

    Best practise is to setup a special extra field for "Completed Work by Timetracker" in TFS/VSTS, then customize the settings in Timetracker to use that field for the completed work, and to use the original field for remaining time as available. See also https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000584406--Settings-Work-Item-Settings

    Does that make sense to you?



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