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Support Workitem-ID Filter in Reporting

Gathering Feedback



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    Nicole Tropper

    Hi Michael,

    you can get the time information of all related sub-tasks of an item directly within the work item view by navigating to the 7pace tab: 

    Let me know if this helps. Maybe you could provide more details on your use case and what exact problem you want to solve? 

    All the best, Nici 

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    Michael Freitag

    Hi Nici,

    I know the overview within the workitem and this one is also great. But I would really like to have those nice looking diagramms for my epics, how long each person worked on all the related sub-tasks, how much time was spent on each activity type, time per day team as well as a workitem herarchy and maybe further widgets.





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    Nicole Tropper

    Hi Michael, 

    thanks so much for clarifying your use case! I agree that filtering by a specific work item on the reporting page would come in handy. I have the idea documented in our backlog. 

    I'll mark this thread as 'Gathering feedback' for now, so we can capture other user's interest for this request. 

    Cheers, Nici 

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