Time mismatch in work item view.

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    Maxim Shestakov

    Hi Steven!

    Thank you for your message!
    On the screenshot you've shared, I see the "(this)" link, which means that this row represents the workitem 7302 itself (for the children sums it would not be "this", but child ID for each row).

    So do I understand that the issue is that the title "QSL***.C.CL.07" is incorrect?
    Could it be that this item was renamed sometime in the past from that name, so the Title was cached?

    Please navigate to the Timetracker Settings page -> Reporting and API -> and click the "Restart Reporting" button.
    The restart will take some time (up to 30 minutes), and as soon as it is in a "Healthy and up-to-date" state, could you please recheck what is displayed in the workitem tab and if the issue was resolved?

    Kind regards,
    Maxim Shestakov

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