Feature requests for Approval process

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    Nicole Tropper

    Dear Sanjay,

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feature requests. While Leah has already provided you with some information on these, allow me to provide a summary:

    1. We find your request quite interesting! Although there are no immediate plans to implement it, we would like to gauge the interest of other users in this thread.

    2. Our current philosophy emphasizes open communication and direct interaction between team members and managers during the approval process. Nevertheless, we acknowledge the potential benefits for larger companies and will closely monitor this request.

    3. This feature is already in our backlog and has been shared within our community: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043611572-Feature-Request-for-Per-Project-Timesheet-Approval However, it is not currently included in our roadmap.

    4. To better understand the problem you're trying to solve, could you elaborate further? Are you looking for a solution that enables multiple managers to approve a specific timesheet? We distinguish between Approval Managers and Global Approval Managers. The former can only view and approve timesheets submitted to them, while the latter have access to and can approve all timesheets submitted by the team. Would this setting help with your matter? 

    Best regards, Nici

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