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Pagination errors with REST API 3.2

Officially Answered



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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Frederic,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.
    You will need to specify a value for the $skip command, even if it is to skip zero.
    So when using both $count and $skip, the $count command determines how many rows your query will fetch, and the $skip command determines how many will be skipped before they are fetched.
    So if you are using $count=200, you should use $skip=0 in the first query. Then your second query should have ($count=200, $skip=200), and your third query should have ($count=200,$skip=400).

    Please let me know if this helps.

    Best regards,

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    Frederic Le Bars


    that is exactly what I am doing:

    After some analyzis, I found that the error occurs after a $skip=1200. there are around 20 results duplicated with the $skip=1000.


    Best regards,


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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hi Frederic,

    I have created ticket #60799 for us to further troubleshoot this. Let's continue our communication there.

    Best regards,

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