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Ability to add custom field(s) in the Add/Edit Time Record dialog box

Gathering Feedback



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    Alexey Golovashov

    I would be glad to have the same functionality also. First of all to add an ability to create some custom fields with custom captions and then add different options of this field values: pre-defined list of the items with radio buttons or checkboxes.

    Also it would be nice to mark some custom fields as mandatory so the users cannot skip them during time reporting.

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    Jesper Leedgaard

    I would also like this functionality. At least just the ability to add simple custom string fields (Label,Value).


    We are integrating the timetracker with our internal ERP and invoice system. So for example we'd like to create a field for "Internal comments" (and a few other things). We can add fields to VSTS workitems, but they would not per time-tracking record.

    Currently, our only option is to create a mini-language for the comment field and parse that when transferring data. But that is highly error-prone.


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    Marc Gervais

    Any update on this? I think it is fairly standard to allow Users to capture and store custom data.


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    Hi Marc

    no updates on this yet I am afraid, we are still gathering feedback and so far we haven't been able to prioritise it.

    If it gets a few more upvotes we may be able to get some movement on this sooner rather than later though!



    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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    Martin Inderbitzin

    I also need this functionality. We working with the Scrum process and want track dailies, effort estimations, common planning, phone calls etc. with Timetracker.
    Now, we can make entries without work items, but then also without any project assignment and we need this project assignments.
    A field (combobox) with all possible projects would be the most simple solution for our case.

    As workaround, we can create common PBI's in backlog foreach case (daily, effort estimation, phone call, etc.) and foreach project and track them there. So, we have the needed link to the projects. But it would be nice if there will be a better solution in the future.

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    Roman Fianta

    Hello Martin,

    thank you for your feedback. Do I assume correctly that you use Activity Types for distinguishing among dailies, effort estimations, phone calls etc., but you (understandably) need to report this per project? So in the end you would like to see e.g.:

    • Project A - Dailies
    • Project A - Effort estimations
    • Project B - Dailies
    • etc...

    Are the projects you need to use for time tracking the same as projects in Azure DevOps? If so, it seems that tracking on project level - instead of work item level - would help in your case. While this is not possible in Timetracker, I can at least confirm that you found the common workaround - we at 7pace have also created 'artificial' items within our projects where we track our non-development activities.

    All the best,
    Roman, Product Owner

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    Martin Inderbitzin

    Hi Roman

    Sorry for the late answer.

    Yeah, you understood the problem correctly. But I didn't create a dummy-PBI for each activity. I created a single PBI for each project and we gave the order to log with the correct activity type in combination with a required comment for this PBI. So, we can handle it for the moment.

    But it would be very nice if there would be a smarter solution. Maybe over a custom field like suggested above or another way. But for me, this haven't any priority at the moment.

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    Roman Fianta

    Hello Martin,

    thank you for the reply with more details, it will help us to design the functionality properly if we implement it eventually. It is not in our roadmap for the nearest months, though.

    Have a nice day!

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