Completed and Remaining work auto calculation for all projects by single configuration setup
In the "Configuration" page, "Automatic reduction of Remaining Work" and "Automatic increase of Completed work" can be configured.
What I have observed is, this configuration is only against that specific VSTS Project from where the "Configuration" page is opened - i.e. Project specific.
Is there any option so that I can implement the same configuration setup across VSTS Projects - like an "ALL Project" option and selecting upon that, the same configuration will be effective across all projects. Otherwise it will be painful for the Administrator to set this configuration for each and every projects. Moreover, each time, when a new Project will be created, Administrator is needed to be notified to set up the configuration which we want to avoid.
Can you please provide a solution?
Hi Santanu,
We are close to release feature with copying settings across projects, on applying settings for one project you'll be able to copy that for all or selected projects.
You second question about default settings for new projects is not included in that feature right now, I think this is good idea and I'll put that into backlog.
Maxim Lutsan
Hi Santanu,
We released this feature, please check it out:
Maxim Lutsan
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