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New entries are resetting previously added Completed Work

Officially Answered



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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Guilherme,

    This field will automatically update the Completed Work value, there is no need to add it manually. You can configure the desired behavior on the Work Item Automation page:

    Best regards,

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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hi Guilherme,

    To add more context, the remaining time takes the current value and decreases it with the new tracked value (if you have 3 hours and you track 1 hour, you will have 2 left). Completed time takes the all of the tracked time into consideration, only the time from the database.
    As a workaround you could create a track in the amount of time you want to adjust the completed work for. For instance, if you have 2 hours of completed time and want to adjust it to 5 hours, the workaround is to add another 3 hour track to make it 5 hours in total. If you adjust it manually it will be overwritten.

    Best regards,

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    Guilherme Taffarel Bergamin

    Hello, Vanja. I'm sorry for such a long delay in replying. I wasn't able to find the support page again earlier.

    If it considers the time in the database, it should consider the time I put there manually before my team started using 7pace.

    Also, it should let me fill it in manually in case 7pace goes offline (like it did today for a while).

    But thanks for showing me the settings page. I'll check it out.


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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Guilherme,

    It is difficult to track only the existing value. The issues that arise are what to do with it if it was adjusted, on whom to assign time, on what date to assign it, how to sync the existing worklog if completed value is less than the database data, etc. There are too many possible scenarios to create universal logic. If you still want this kind of functionality, then please create a feature request in our Feature Request community section.
    The only possible workaround we can suggest for now is to pre-create a historical track via the Add Time dialog.

    Best regards,

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    Guilherme Taffarel Bergamin

    Ok, so I think now I understand how it works. 7Pace has its own database and completely ignores and overrides Azure's database. In that case, maybe when we activate the 7Pace Azure plugin, it should make this kind of field read-only with a tool-tip saying "Managed by 7Pace". Or make the plugin read manual updates on this kind of fields and feed 7Pace instead of Azure...

    My team frequently add/remove time manually directly on the work items while still using 7Pace. If 7Pace uses a different database and don't read manual updates, that could lead to inconsistencies.

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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Guilherme,

    7pace changes the DevOps field value with the DevOps API, we calculate the value on our side based on the worklogs and then insert the value.
    What you are suggesting is not technically possible. If we make the fields read-only, they will be read-only for everyone, including Timetracker.

    Best regards,

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