Approval page with Show/Hide Hierarchy, Expand / Collapse One Level
Gathering FeedbackHi 7pace!
Our approvers would really love functionality and buttons on the Approval page. Before Approving they need/must/want to verify the projects, Epics and Features staff has worked on. Now they need to click many times before they can evaluate. With approval teams 15 man strong, this can be good practice for gaming but is not very funny activity every week.
Timesheet page does have these, Approval page currently does not.
Show/Hide Hierarchy,
Expand One Level,
Collapse One Level
Thanks in advance, Hubert Gabel
Looking at this earlier request from Ali Elzalmy, (Request-for-auto-expand-on-Approval-and-Times-Explorer-pages) might be related.. -
FYI examples are added to #25600 Timetracker.Approval Hierarchy, Expand Collapse one level
Hi Hubert,
thank you for your suggestion! I'll update the status of the thread to 'Gathering feedback' so that others can upvote and comment on this and we can prioritise accordingly.
Kind Regards,
Product Owner - -
Would be very useful, as I often need to review more in detail before approving, by default it only shows project level, and need to expand at least couple levels. It would be also useful if it would remember last expanded level (if it was not expanded one by one) with +/- buttons.
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