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Time Tracker Remembers End Time Of Last Logged Time

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    Andrea Moro

    Hi Jake,

    thank you for your message, we'll keep an eye on this thread as this is a very nice idea. As an interim solution your team could use the 'stopwatch' feature so that at least they won't have to enter the start time every time. Would that help?

    Kind Regards,

    Product Owner - www.7pace.com 

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    Jake Morley


    Unfortunately not really much use to us as we don't like logging our time sheets to the second we do them in like 5 or sometimes even 15 minute increments. We are not that precious about detailing to the second as we are not charging our time out externally.


    It is a temp solution but will probably annoy the team if there times were 08.12 - 09.36 etc 

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    Andrea Moro

    Understood, thank-you Jake.

    We'll keep you posted on your request via this thread then!


    Product Owner - www.7pace.com


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    Collin Maxon

    Yes, this would be a very helpful feature if I understand correctly.  I'd like a way to identify TrackedItself time that was over the estimated time.  There does not seem to be an easy way to do that currently. 

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    Sascha Zierfuss

    Hey Collin!

    You could use our API to get the estimated and tracked times, substract both and you'd see if you're on track or not. Of course, this would be more like a report and not immediately available in the work item. Could this work for you though?

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    Francois Nel

    Kind of sad this was not implemented in 2 years... imagine all the man hours wasted figuring out what the end time of a previous task was...

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