We have a custom work item type (support item), which has the icon color green assigned in VSTS.
Time Tracker shows work item colors correctly for all standard item in the timesheet and other reports, but custom work items are shown in the same blue as PBIs even though a different color was assigned in the process template configuration for the work item type.
While this is not a huge problem, it is very confusing to our users.
We are very sorry for a delayed reply, we spent some time on investigation your issue.
We had no API to get exact colors of Work Items from VSTS/TFS, so we had own color templates for work items, and that is why custom Work Items could have incorrect colors.
As now API exists, we are planning to implement this feature in future releases.
We would recommend you to create a feature request for it here https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/115000003466-Feature-Requests so users will vote for it and we could rise priorities on it.
Kind regards,
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