Feature Request for listing all work items with or without a budget
Officially AnsweredI want to make sure that my work items have a correct budget (or no budget) assigned to them.
The current Budget page only shows work items included in one budget at a time.
I would like a report that has the possibility to show all work items (not tracked time) with their budget (or no budget). Ideally, the design could be almost identical to the VSTS Backlogs view, including filters and showing parent items. Budgets shown would need to be according to the standard inheritance, including showing if a child item has another budget than its parent.
A simpler work around would be if it was possible to fetch all work items from selected budgets and export them to Excel. (I noticed that it's possible to select more than one budget (CTLR+Click).
However, the view only shows items from the first selected budget, so it has no use at present. This causes more work for me, manually comparing backlog items to budgets lists, but it would be a good start.
Official comment
Hello, my name is Roman Fianta, I work as a Product Owner at 7pace, and I am currently sorting out old feature request.
Resolution of this item is currently achievable via calling workItems endpoint of our API. This endpoint provides information about all work items and their budgets (or no budgets), together with the information whether the budget is inherited or directly set.
I am therefore closing this feature request as Officially answered.
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