We've configured our environment to not prompt for a comment or activity when someone clicks Start tracking. This is very nice in that we no longer get a dialog which requires a second click.
However...we lose any sort of feedback that tracking has actually started. There have been a few times where we missed clicking the right place or we click but it doesn't "take".
A brief popup which confirms tracking has started and then fades away would be really nice. Nothing to disrupt the flow, but enough that the developer has confidence that tracking has started on the correct task.
Sorry. I was probably a bit vague...
For our team, we created a standard DevOps query our team members can view showing their personal work "In Progress". They can use this to view all their tasks across all projects. On the task popup menu (the ellipses on the line in the query), they are able to find the Start Tracking link. To make it as easy for them as possible, we've turned off the comments and activity options so they don't see the popup. We don't need either of those and the second click was easy to miss.I've had a few occasions recently where I clicked the link and it didn't start tracking. I'm sure most was probably user error, but I think at least once it was maybe a networking issue or something similar which prevented the "Start Tracking" from taking.
Either way, it wold have been nice to see some sort of toast which confirmed that tracking had started.
The ellipsis button meanwhile switched to Rest API which provides performance boost and we also handle errors there and display error message if tracking was not started by some reason.
There are still some limitations we have as we cannot show temporary any notification on the page while track is being started, we are going to get back to this improvement later.
I will mark this as "Gathering feedback" as it is only partly done.
Maxim Lutsan
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