When I export from the budgets page view, the export only gives me an Excel list of time tracking fields and the budget name. I need to include the comment from the budget--not the comment for a time tracking item, but the comment that appears on the budget under the name. Why does that comment field not export?
I am using this field as a workaround for a user case that this plugin is not handling. When I set up a budget, that budget will expire on a certain date and the hours allotted will no longer be valid for use. I would appreciate your feedback if there is a better way I can achieve this. Here is what I am having to do:
1. Append the expiration date to the budget name
2. export the time tracking items to Excel
3. use a formula to move the date to another column so it is independent of the budget name
4. I will then have to sort and see what expirations are coming up, and on that day manually add a time tracking item to consume those expired hours.
I realize the budget comment doesn't have any function as far as alerting me or letting me sort in the UI or anything, but being able to export that field along with the time tracking items would save me having to do steps 1 - 3 above.
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