Feature Request for Additionall Add/Edit Time Record TFS ID field Configuration/Search/Filter Capability
While entering time in the Monthly sheet against a work item type, sometimes it is difficult to remember the TFS ID of that Work Item. So, search is mostly done by typing key words available in the “Title”. Now, if the same search text exists in the title of multiple work item types of different category, then all of them are listed in the dropdown which leads further confusion on which one to select.
So the suggestion is, in the configuration, can we have an option so that we can specify on which Work Item type title, the text search should be done in Monthly sheet. In the configuration, option should include distinct Work Item Types like EPIC, FEATURE, USER STORY, TASK along with any Custom Work Item Type of that particular Azure DevOps account. As example, if I specify EPIC, then in the Monthly sheet, the text search should be done only on the title of EPICS. Additionally, if “Closed” option is also included in the configuration, then that will be great as un-select this option can eliminate the “Closed” work items to appear in the search and also restrict time entry against “Closed” work items.
BTW, again I am giving stress & requesting on the “COPY” feature so that the time entry of one day can be copied to another day. It is really required for us. People (specifically management people) already started complaining not to have this feature because it actually saves time when a person is working on same items for consecutive days.
Official comment
Hi everyone,
I am happy to announce that we released a first version of Search Filters in the Add Time Dialog. Read everything you need to know about it in our blog post:
Of course we want to continue to improve this new feature to make it more powerful to use, so we would appreciate your feedback! Leave a comment or set up a session with us.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Cheers, Nici
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