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Adding the Approval details in the Work Log response of the API version-3




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    7pace tech support

    Hi Sukanta!

    1) TeamProjectis not a mandatory parameter, so you could use https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/_apis/wit/workitems?ids={ids}&api-version=5.0 to get all workitem details. EffortWorkItemType (and TeamProject if you need it) fields are also stored in this response.

    TeamProject, Effort, WorkItemType are part of DevOps Services API, so it is not planned to include it in Timetracker API.

    2) All data in Timetracker internally stored in Seconds to have the most precision. You could just divide it by 3600 to get it in Hours.

    So let us assume, this Feature Request is only about adding Approval data to Timetracker API v3.

    Kind regards,


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    7pace tech support

    Hi! Would like to give an update:

    We've discussed your FR and we are planning to include raw information about Approval Data in API v3 by the June 2019

    Kind regards,


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    Maxim Shestakov

    New update: Approval Data was added to REST API and is planned to be included in our next release (4.33)
    Maxim (Andarth)

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