The Timesheet is a really handy nested overview of all the work items and their linked children. However it is a downside that it only displays the tracked times of the current user.
Our company would like to be able to see all the hours spent on the total project (parent+children) by the whole team in this Timesheet view. So that we can see whether the estimated hours were correct.
Hello Wieke,
We had this feature in Timesheet that all items display summary for all children, but unfortunately it turned out that this feature produces massive load on our server as it must compute data for all items in the Timesheet and we identified that it can be easily thousands of work items. We had to disable this feature for the time being, but we are working on improvements there to bring it back with improved performance.
We are also working on the Reporting feature where this overview is built in. Please follow news from us to get update when it is released.
Maxim Lutsan
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