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Share time explorer reports with other users

Officially Answered



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    Nicholas Blanchette

    Please implement this. The current method is impossible for many users. We should be able to share.


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    7pace tech support


    We have an item with this functionality in our backlog (internal id 29883) and it is in our future plans.

    We are monitoring Feature Requests and prioritizing it based on user votes.

    Kind regards,


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    7pace tech support

    Hi everyone!

    Could you please provide your feedback on this solution - we are working now on new reporting feature (it will use Timetracker API and build rich reports, where you could set up your widgets with various types of data). And there will be a "Share" option:

    Will it suit your needs?

    If no - could you please share the exact use cases what layout and for what purposes are you using in Times Explorer?



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    Peter van der Schaar

    For as far as i can see, this solution would work fine. But some things come to mind:

    Does this mean that the user with which the report is shared with sees it in their report list?

    Can every user edit/delete a shared report?

    Is it possible to 'unshare' a shared report?





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    Hi Peter,

    We think about sharing reports as copying their definition from one user to another. That means that after that two reports start own independent life and changes/deletion in one report will not be reflected in another. So right now it will not be possible to unshare report or modify already shared report.

    Having pure shared reports where reports stays at the owner but visible to selected users not in the scope of the first iteration, but this is on our radar for the future releases.


    Maxim Lutsan

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