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Feature Request for Per Project Timesheet Approval

Officially Answered



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    7pace tech support

    Hi Lauree,

    Unfortunately this scenario is not possible in Timetracker, only sending all time for all projects per week is the only option.

    The way of sending time for Approval per project per manager is not in our plans for the time being.


    Maxim Lutsan

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    Agnieszka Kornas

    Thi is extremly important feature. 
    The way I worked in 7 different companies is: PM approves time per project, than team lead rveiews time to give final timesheet approval. 
    So it makes really hard for PM to give approval now and puts too much reposnsibility for Team leads. 

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    Sanjay Suthar

    This is extremely important feature that you should consider and implement it as soon as possible.

    Our organization has multiple projects, each with a different manager. We require a system that enables us to assign a specific manager to a specific project/team/area for reviewing time entries. Any way to submit the time entry to more than one approval manager is must requirement.

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