Currently the time tab of a workitem shows total time booked directly it plus the time booked to all child items in it's tree.
As a manager I also want to know what time is left in order to complete the workitem and all its children.
I also want to compare the time booked against the Estimate (we use the 'Estimated Effort' field).
Add additional information displaying and summing up the 'Remaining Work' and the 'Estimated Effort'.
Hi Simon,
I think this is possible with our new Reporting feature (but on another page). If you still do not see reporting: drop a message to our support center, we will roll-out this to you.
As we now deploying new reporting engine: we consider it to be replacing these contents you see on Time tab with more convenient widgets and tables. That is coming soon.
Maxim Lutsan
the reporting feature looks good. It is a good place for summarising time over a project. If I want to know information about a specific Epic, then the most logical place to visit is the Epic itself. I cannot create a widget for every single Epic and every workitem.
One of the most asked questions for any workitem is 'how much work is left'. A summary of this would be very useful on the workitem itself - as there already is for time spent.
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