Currently when editing the start time of a running timer the timer is stopped. would be nice to be able to edit the start time without stopping the running timer
This would be extremely helpful for us. We're lacking adoption of the client because our users forget to push Play at the right time. Our users end up going to the web page to enter time entries instead.
Having the ability to modify the start time while running would alleviate this issue and help drive adoption.
This is negatively impacting adoption as well. I come from a company where we used harvest with Jira Integration many years ago, and the biggest part of the reason to use was the ease of use for developers. We need to get data in before we can report. I have myself and a few devs who are trying this out. But i start into a meeting, or working on something and need to start, and remember to go back in and set the time back later.
I cant expand this to the rest of the company without better UI within the desktop application.
Also changing work items resets the type of work, etc.
Soon as we get these resolved we can expand this out.
I agree with the above comments! For our company, being able to SET the start time before you click start is the important part for me, modifying it while running would be gravy..
An add on to this would be if it were smart enough to know that if you are clicking start and the previous record end time was 10 minutes ago to suggest that maybe that should be the new start time.
I could see that with the Azure Devops integration being able to change things while the time is running might be difficult because you have to worry about modifying the work item for completed hours etc etc. so have fun with this one! -
This thread is 2 years old and has more upvotes than lots of other things I've seen...
When you click on the Play button it pulls up the start a new track box and at the bottom it has start time. It defaults to the current time minus 5 minutes or a number in the setup area. Validation would be that start time is less than the current time. When you click start the new record being tracked has the start time that you specified.The reason I want this is because:
- The phone rings and 3 minutes later I remember to track my time
- I start working on a project and 20 minutes later I remember to track my time.
In these two cases I have to either add a single record starting at the start time OR after stopping the time remember to change the start AND the end times of the record. It's annoying because when you change the start time it also changes the end time so you have to edit the end time as well.
This would be very helpful for us as we are switching tasks quite often. Thus, often one forgets to switch the timer entry at the right time.
Right now, it is then only possible to set the end time of the prior entry to earlier, but we cannot directly adjust the start of the new task. Of course, people forget to correct on that leading to gaps in our timesheets.
We need this too. Same reason as in the comments above; our developers forget to start tracking on right time, including myself.
In our company, we tracked all time entries in a timetracking tool outside DevOps. But it's too much administrative overhead, because we have to add the WorkItem-Ids manually in the comments field and that's annoying and too time consuming when we have a lot of switches during a day. That's the reason to track directly inside DevOps and we decided to try it with your TimeTracker. But to be honest; I was very disapointed as I realized, I can't set the starting time on a currently tracking entry. That's an absolutely everyday problem.
And when I searched for a solution for that and found this thread, I was even more disappointed, because you know this problem since 3 (!) years and nothing happened. You got much feedback about that...Are there plans to realize this or not? I'm quite sure, I'm not the only one who wishes an answer to this.
Hello Martin,
thank you for your honest feedback. I understand the pain with editing a live track and I must admit that our developers and myself would love to have this feature in our everyday life, but there have been requirements with higher priority and impact. This is still the case, unfortunately, so I don't think this feature is going to be developed during the next 6 months. I am pretty confident that it will come eventually because the popularity of this request is high, but I cannot promise a specific delivery time as of now, sorry.
All the best,
Roman, Product Owner
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