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Request for comments made within Timetracker to automatically transfer to the work item form/task comments section

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    Greg Tate

    Would love to see this too! Our team is trying out 7pace right now, and multiple people have come to me with this idea.

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    Hi Greg and Ansari,

    I would like to understand scenarios when users need that, could you please let me know how are you going to use this data? Is it only for reference?


    Maxim Lutsan

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    Kambis Ansari

    Hi Maxim,

    A task is for us a container for various information collected chronologically in the comment area, where not only the management can follow the development, but also our customers. I want to give you one example. We design electronics. A schematic page in a design is linked to a task. While the schematic gets developed many processes involved create footprints into the task as comments. There are developer discussions, related web links as references, design check-ins into the repository, customer notes or function results and many more processes create chronologically comments into the task comment area. Now we can follow all factors, which influenced the schematic design. If time tracking data were also within the comments, we would be able to better analyze the development process and make better dynamic decisions during the task life-time.

    It might be important to know, that a task is not only driven by one resource in our processes. So several peoples are adding their times to a task. So we would like to see between the comments as they rise, the time tracking info showing who did how long what in which stage of the task and what was added as a comment from the time tracking perspective.

    I hope this gives you an idea about how we would use this feature.

    Thank you for the support

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    Hi Ansari,

    It becomes more clear now and makes total sense, but also one small question appears:

    When you say "Task": do you really mean Task in DevOps or it can be also User Story, Feature, Epic, etc? What is your smallest piece of work and where do you add time with Timetracker? Do you use Timetracker to always add time on same level of work items (e.g. always on Tasks, but not on User Stories)?

    Thank you,
    Maxim Lutsan

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    Kambis Ansari

    Hi Maxim,

    When I say „Task“ I really mean a particular task in DevOps. Tasks are our smallest piece of work, where we add time to it. In our system we decided to add time with Timetracker ONLY to DevOps Tasks. We rarely add time directly to User Story, Feature or Epic. It would be helpful if we could configure in timetracker to list only tasks and not User Stories, Features or Epic in the search lists.

    Thank you for your interest,

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    Greg Tate

    Similar case here. Pior to 7pace, we updated the comments section of a task work item with the times spent working and a comment that detailed the work performed. 

    With the 7pace desktop client, our users appreciate the comments field, but our process involves duplicating the comments field from the 7pace application into the comments section of the task work item. 

    It would be ideal if there were an option to place comments from 7pace into the comments section of a task work item.

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    Hi Greg and Kambis,

    I've gotten the idea, I will put this into our backlog. We are working on our roadmap for the next year, I will update you when we finalize it, looks like we can fit this feature there.


    Maxim Lutsan

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    Kambis Ansari

    Thanks :)

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    Kirk Groff

    Same request here please. I have been manually coping the same comment to both the 7 Pace comment section for HR and then also back to the DevOps work item for development and team tracking. I would like to see the 7Pace comment update the work item that the time was associated to (being an epic, feature, user story or task).

    I've seen your previous response to this request, thank you for considering this item for the backlog.

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    Hi Kirk

    thank-you for your feedback!

    At this stage we are keeping an eye out for similar requests to understand what the level of interest towards this feature is within our Community, so we can prioritise it accordingly.

    For future reference, we have this on our backlog as item #32816.

    Kind Regards,

    Andrea Moro
    Product Owner - www.7pace.com


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    Kenny Stockdale

    Have recently required a feature like this myself and was directed here by support. Just wanted to say I would love a feature like this to be implemented, it would help automate admin tasks. Thank you.

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    Please do this!

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