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Timesheet - datepicker should default to current date

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    Leah Copeland

    Hi Casper!

    Thank you for reaching out to us.  The "Add Time" dialog defaults to the date from whatever cell you have selected or are currently on in the Timesheet grid. This is really useful because the "Timesheet" page is also keyboard-optimized. Just by using the "Tab" key, arrow keys, and "Enter" key on your keyboard, you can navigate everywhere within the timesheet, and add or edit your time. Here is some more information on the "Timesheet" page and its functionality: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000581126--Timesheet-Page-Overview. If you still feel that there is an error or an improvement that could be made, please let us know!

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    Casper Schmidt Wandahl-Liper

    Hi Leah

    That sounds like a nice feature but when I refresh a page it defaults to monday in the given week. Please change this behaviour then so that the default is still the current day and/or make it possible to change the date on an entry :)

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    Hi Casper,

    I discussed your suggestion with our designer and unfortunately we will not implement selecting current day on page open. That will cause confusion for non-current weeks and behavior will become inconsistent.

    But we see that one option will be helpful and it will be implemented: we will add link "Today" next to date picker in add time dialog (see picture):


    Thank you,
    Maxim Lutsan

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