after last update of "reporting version" we are missing all inherited budgets.
I have link from Bug to Feature and Feature have link to Epic and this Epic is in Budget. All workitems under epic had Budget of Epic, now all of them are empty.
Is it bug or we have forgot to change something. We see budget only at Epics now.
They are missing in API, and also in time explorer.
When i have tried new api 3.0 we got 500 error on budgets:
DataSource.Error: OData: Request failed: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
Thanks, Lukas
Hi Maxim,
thanks for your quick reaction. We can see our budgets in time explorer, thank you, but we cannot still see them in API
for example:
https://cisvsts.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/TimeExport(StartDate='2019-10-04',EndDate='2019-12-11',PopulateTopParentColumns=null,GroupTimeByDateByUser=null,IncludeBillable=null)?$select=RowID,TFSID,UserEmail,Budget,BudgetHours,DurationInSeconds,TrackedTimeType,TeamMember, ActivityType,ApprovalState,Comment,BudgetClosed, InheritedBudget, UserID&$filter=tfsid eq 77896
Thanks, Lukas
Hi Lukas,
We identified some more issues in new API 3.0 and as we powered 2.1 with new API behind: it can also affect 2.1.
The quickest workaround will be temporarily switching new Reporting feature for your organization and when we fix and roll out everything: we will enable it back. What would you say?
Maxim Lutsan
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