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Export Licensed Users




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    Simon Whiteley

    Any more progress on this?

    I can't even select the HTML and copy it.  This leaves me typing out all licensed users by hand.

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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Simon,

    The option to query licensed users was released half a year ago with our REST CRUD API. In order to get this list you should use the users or users/roles endpoint. Please find more information and examples on how to use our REST CRUD API on the following link: 7pace Timetracker REST CRUD API Version 3.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Best regards,

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    Maxim Shestakov

    Hi Simon!

    Thanks for your feedback, I've created item in our backlog for it (internal id 31347), we will think about it.


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    Simon Whiteley

    Any progress on internal id 31347 ?

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    Roman Fianta

    Hello everyone,

    please be aware that we prepared an Excel example that will guide you through the process of obtaining a list of users and their roles; the whole process can be done in less than 5 minutes. You can download the example in this section of our documentation.

    All the best,

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    Hi Simon

    thank you for your message. I am afraid that we don't have an ETA that we can share with you yet. However, we are keeping an eye on this thread and on our support channels to monitor interest towards this feature. We will keep you posted.

    Kind Regards,


    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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