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Time Billable, Non-Billable would be nice to have the possibility to set Billable or non Billable on a Work Item

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    Dieter Probst

    Hi Roman,

    if it makes implementation easier:

    We are registering time to tasks exclusively. So instead of having to consider all types of work items, one field on task level, which decides how to popupate billable on task record and being able to change it on time registration dialogue would already help.

    best regards,


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    Hello Andreas,

    The billable feature is really simple now - it's just assigned to time tracks. This improvement would create some contradictory cases. Could you provide some details to understand how to make this feature more convenient for you?

    For example, you set PBI as billable and it's parent Feature as non-billable. Should time tracks assigned to the PBI be billable or non-billable?

    Andreas, did you try Budgets feature? It has pretty much the same logic. You can include there work items with all their hierarchy, Iterations and time tracks. And it's also possible to exclude some things from the Budget.

    You could take some budgets (or just one) as non-billable and others as billable. 

    Does this solution fit your needs?


    Kind regards,


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    Andreas Meier

    Hi Roman

    1. The overall setting should only apply to single projects and not to the whole organization. (This would already help a lot).
    2. Regarding the contradictory part. It should be top down overridden. That means if you e.g. have: Themes / Features / Epics / Stories / Tasks backlog hierarchy it should take first the default setting from the project, then from top to down override the setting and mark the timetracks that are in the hierarchy with that Billable or Non-Billable setting.

    The thing with the budget is that include and exclude really means e.g. exclude, but we want to report the non-billable hours as well. So that is not the right approach for that.

    Thank you for taking this into your roadmap. :-)


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    Hi Andreas,

    I've added 2 items to our backlog for your feature request.

    The first one is for making Billable by Default setting specific for projects and not to the whole organization (internal id #33471). This feature is not that big and it might be implemented later.

    The second one is for making possible to set Billable/Non-billable to work items (internal id #33471). This feature is pretty big. I see it might be useful, but honestly, its complexity is similar to Budgets feature, so it's not in our roadmap so far.

    We will gather feedback on that. Thank you for your feedback.

    Best regards,


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    Andreas Meier

    Hi Roman

    Ok, thank you very much for your feedback. Would be nice if you could implement billable, non-billable on work items too, but I see that it might be pretty big.


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    Marc Gervais

    Hi Andrea/Roman

    I am a little confused about how you guys are looking at possibly implementing this. The ability to set a particular TimeLog as Not Billable when entering the TimeLog would be of great value. Having to go to the Times Explorer and manually changing that after the fact is not an ideal scenario as it relies upon the Developer to remember to go and change it.



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    Hi Marc

    thank you for your message. We haven't got around designing this yet, but you made a valid observation. Off the top of my head, I am thinking that we could place this checkbox/toggle on the work items as Andreas suggested on his first message or even on the 'Add time' panel if we wanted to give even more granular control (at the work-log level, as you mentioned).

    Kind Regards,


    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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    Marc Gervais

    I believe adding this to the 'Add Time' panel is the most logical place seeing as the IsBillable flag is stored at the WorkLog level. It's default value could be driven from a value on the WorkItem, however. Also, perhaps a configuration setting for whether to show the checkbox or not might be useful.

    It doesn't seem like a difficult or time-consuming modification, yet it could provide a lot of benefit to those making use of the Billable flag.



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    Dieter Probst

    Hi Andrea/Roman,

    we are still interested in getting this done. Is there any progress / any plan on how this could happen?

    Thanks and best regards,

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    Sascha Zierfuss

    Hi Dieter,

    This item isn't in our plans at the moment, we are still gathering votes and feedback. Although the proposed checkbox on the add time dialog sounds like a simple solution, we also have customers who would need this functionality in a less accessible way; so quite tricky to satisfy everyone.

    In the meantime, would it be possible to use custom activity types as a workaround, such as "Not billable" or "Dev - Not billable" (should you need to keep the "original" activity type)?

    Kind regards,

    Sascha, Product Manager @7pace

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    Sébastien Konsbruck

    Hi everyone, maybe this idea could be interesting to you Define billable per time entry – Get Help (7pace.com) as a work around.

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    Roman Fianta

    Hello everyone,

    the feature mentioned above by Sébastien - to let developers set Billable flag when Adding/Tracking time - has been released.

    There is still no delivery date for setting the default value of Billable on Work Item level, though. I will inform you once implementation phase will get closer.

    All the best,
    Roman, Product Owner @7pace

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    Karl Lehnert

    Project-level billing defaults is an essential feature for us. Sometimes, devs need to create their own stories and are not necessarily privy to the billing arrangement for each project. The result is either losing money or overcharging customers, both adverse outcomes. Unless we put another manual check by account managers before accounts, that introduces additional billing latency and otherwise unnecessary administrative overhead. I've reviewed several other time trackers, and this feature appears to be standard where billing is a feature.

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