Our team approves weeks based on when the current billing cycle ends (for example, from the first of the month to the 15th or 16th of the month), with dates that could fall in the middle of the week, not at the end of each week, as the 7pace current system is designed. So, if our team has approved/closed the current week because it is the end of the first billing cycle and that falls on a Wednesday or a Thursday, the week is approved, our devs still need to track time on that Friday, but they can't because the week is already approved. The approval managers then have to reopen the current week, but our team can then edit their tracks of time from the first part of the week that was already invoiced.
What Tricension would like to know, is if 7pace would entertain an enhancement of sorts to allow mid-week approvals by trapping the submitted time (to the submission point in time) for approval (in our case at the end of a billing cycle) thus not allowing the submitter to make changes without having it reopened and still allow associates to continue tracking time for the remainder of the week in essence to submit again for a final end of week review/approval?
Of course, reopening timesheets for editing as business needs require like billable vs non-billable or time entered on the wrong work-item is still a necessity. It feels like this could be a beneficial new type of functionality for others as well.
Hello Mike,
Thank you for your request, we really appreciate it. We'll gather feedback and set priority according to community reaction and feature complexity. This feature is pretty low on the company's priority list, so it'll barely be implemented soon. We might get back to it later.
Kind regards,
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