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Approval OData

Officially Answered



  • Official comment

    Hi Lukas,

    Thank you for the request. This feature priority is pretty low because there is already a way to get this data using REST API. I've tried to use Microsoft Excel by adding a Web data source and managed to get the data from the REST API. It's not the same table as you wish, but you can use it as a data source and create a structure you need. See the following screenshots.

    The usual way of authorization with the token.






    I got this table with all the Approval data. You could modify it and make it look as you like.


    You also might be interested in using other tools. E.g. Power BI - the same data can be taken there the same way.

    Kind regards,


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    Lukas Tynek


    we will try your proposal.

    Thank you, Lukas

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