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Ability to see tree structure and node name on "Add Time" dialog

Gathering Feedback



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    Hi Stanislaw,

    Thank you for your request. We already had some attempts to design this feature. The biggest challenge of it is to not break UI because adding all this information to every item in search would make it much more complicated. 

    By the way, some customers use other approached to track time - they find items in DevOps and start tracking using the button on the work item dialog or add worklogs using Time tab there. Probably it might be useful for you also.

    We'll gather feedback and set priority to this feature according to community reaction and feature complexity.

    Kind regards, 


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    Koen Janssens

    We have the same use case. We have many different projects with similar tasks on which we work in parallel.
    I think there should be way to choose what information in the task drop-down should be shown.
    For example : [project name] - [workitem name]...

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    Being able to add time against another project is quite dangerous in our organisation as that is effectively spending money in another teams budget.  Being able to clearly see which project a work item is a must for us as.  Unfortunately the team have inadvertently already started recording time within another teams project.  Moving this time is a manual and time consuming task which could be avoided.

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