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Feature Request for webhooks on time entry

Gathering Feedback



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    Milena Mijatovic


    Is there any work done on this feature? We also want to compare 7pace data to hours logged in local system. What is making this difficult is absence of information for deleted work logs. We can override an issue of missing web hook by using DevOps web hooks but there we can only detect if change happened on a work item and current work logs connected to this work item. We cannot detect which work logs are deleted.

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    Ron Dunlevy

    It's been 3 years since I submitted this request. Most other systems I use have this functionality.

    • Is there a place I can go to look at the roadmap?
    • Can I get a list of what features are being worked on?
    • How many users need to post on this thread to make it the most popular and the top priority?

    Beyond reporting, my use cases have expanded to include real-time time entry reporting to my internal and external customers.

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    Hi Ron,

    Thank you for your feedback!

    Great suggestion and we have it on our pipeline, however we don’t have an ETA for it as of yet. I will make sure you get notified as soon as it does go live.

    Have a great weekend,

    Andrea Moro
    Product Owner - www.7pace.com
    PS: Coronavirus isn’t impacting the availability of Timetracker.  Read more.
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    Dave Slinn

    We're developing an event based system, and would love a system like a webhook or other mechanism that could feed our pipeline with events from 7pace.  Any update on this?  Seems like currently, we're limited to building some system to query for the data on a regular schedule via the OData reporting API.  Is that correct?

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    Dave Slinn

    We are looking at using the data and merging that with data from our HR system to match employee's with their salary information, and while we certainly can proceed with the REST API to pull data on a schedule, it would have better match for our system to feed data entry events into our data pipeline when they occur, rather than repeatedly querying for data we already have, and seeing if any of the data has changed.

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    Nicole Tropper

    Hi Jean-Sebastien,  

    Thank you for reaching out! 

    Unfortunately, we still don’t have an ETA for this feature. However, since this thread is getting more popular, we would like to schedule a quick call with you to better understand your use case. I will reach out to you via email.

    Kind regards, Nici 

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    Andrea Moro

    Hi Dave,

    thank-you for your message.

    Seems like currently, we're limited to building some system to query for the data on a regular schedule via the OData reporting API.  Is that correct?

    That is correct, yes. The current setup appears to be acceptable for most customers/use cases, which is why we have not been able to get much traction on this item yet. That being said we do receive requests for webhooks every now and we might decide to move on with this item later this year, but unfortunately there is no final decision on this that I can share with you.

    Out of curiosity, would you be able to provide any additional details around your requirement? Is this about a specific use case (e.g. billing) or is it more generally about generating scheduled reports/internal audit?

    Many thanks,

    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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    Jean-Sebastien Parent

    +1 on this. We did the exact same thing, but that requires intermittent polling and several grooming on merges to detect changes and such; for example a worklog is deleted (before week approval), we have to do a differential search to get our expected result.

    Would love to see a webhook with a json payload as soon as an entry is added/edited or deleted. Same would be great with budgets too, because worklogs are independent from budgets, so if a change occurs on a budget (workitems included), we have to recompute/fetch actual budget for existing worklogs (on a unapproved week).

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    Jean-Sebastien Parent

    Sure, thanks for the followup!

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    Jean-Sebastien Parent

    Another example is if a user edit the billableLength in Time Explorer, it does not update EditedTimestamp; so the polling process does not know when to look for something. This complicates a lot the sync process.

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    Jean-Sebastien Parent

    To build up on Ron's comment, it could be as simple as an event only raised when the timer is off (completed), on deletion and on edit (any property, including billableLength). So you wouldn't have to raise an event each minute when timers are running; that would be a great first step.

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    Nicole Tropper

    Hi there, 

    Thank you for providing us with your feedback. We really appreciate your input, and I want to assure you that we are actively considering your suggestions. This feedback is documented and included in our backlog for potential implementation in the future.

    However, I must be transparent and inform you that while we recognize the value of this feature, we currently do not have immediate plans to implement this in the near future. Our main focus during the upcoming quarter and beyond is to prioritize and dedicate our resources to improving the performance of our services, as we consider this the most important at this time. 

    We understand that this news may be disappointing, and we apologize for any inconvenience it may cause. Nevertheless, we assure you that your feedback remains highly valuable to us, and we are committed to revisiting your suggestions as soon as we are able to shift our focus.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience! 

    All the best, Nici

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