Request for "export all" (parent and children) feature in Reporting
Gathering FeedbackIt appears that when you export a report, if the drill downs haven’t been expanded on the screen, the drill down data will not be a part of the report. Requesting a one-click / open-all / export-all for the the drill downs button or feature.
We are only in the 2nd week of our beta of Timetracker and I already have 40+ items to expand. Typically, our program increment runs for 10 weeks, so the number of items to expand may reach 100+. Many of the people who need to export reports are not technical, so asking them to use the API is not desirable. We need a tool that users can self-serve.
If adding a collapse all/expand all is not an option, is it possible to add an export all option that will export everything, including the nested rows? If the number of rows exceed a certain threshold, then email the Excel report to the user.
Hi Michael
thank you for your message.
You are correct, the current logic is designed so that each report reflects the level of detail of the drill downs as they are displayed on the screen when you do the export. It is designed like this in order to give more granular control over what Work Items should be included in the report. That being said, I fully agree that the current implementation is not ideal for those who just want to get an export of all levels/hierarchies.
I also really like your suggestion to add an expand-all / collapse-all button to improve this experience, so I added this to our backlog (ID: #34428 ). I don't have an ETA for this yet however we will keep everyone updated on this thread.
Thank-you again for your feedback!
Have a good weekend,
Product Owner -
Hi Michael,
we were discussing this just yesterday. We haven't got around working on it yet because although on paper this looks like a simple UI improvement there are some technical implications which we need to consider. Namely, there is a concern around the load on our backend if a user expands a list with many items at once. With that in mind we are wondering whether in cases like yours getting access to the data directly via API may be a better way to go about this, providing this is an acceptable solution for the majority of our users. Bottom line, we need to do a bit more research on this before we agree on the best way forward. In the meantime if you have any thoughts about this please feel free to let us know!
Kind Regards,
Product Owner -
Before I create a new ticket for this, I will comment on this request because my question is directly related to this. My request touches the Timesheet Approval and the Times Explorer, and it is the same as mentioned in this request - having an expand-all / Collapse-all button work keyboard-mouse combinations that achieve the same result.
I think that, certainly for the Time Explorer, having the ability to group is a fantastic feature. Unfortunately, the likely consequence having to click several times, which is time consuming.
Are there any plans in the product backlog to add this feature? Or better yet, since the last comment here is 3 years old, has it already been implemented?
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