Would it be possible to apply a time multiplier to an Activity. For example, if I enter a 30 minute time log for a task and select a particular Activity, I would like the Actual Hours and, possibly, Billable Hours to be multiplied by a factor of 1.5 or 2.0 or some other value I so choose.
I can explain my reasoning in further detail if required, but suffice it to say it has to do with how we deal with Managed Service Contracts and Engineers working outside of "normal" hours in order to accomplish requested tasks.
Hi Marc
Thank you for reaching out!
This is a bit of an edge case for us and unfortunately we don't support it (yet). However, it is a very interesting idea and we will definitely keep an eye on this thread to see if more customers would be interested in this feature.
In the meantime, the only work around I can think of is to export your data into a spreadsheet and perform your calculation there - not as ideal as getting the data directly from Timetracker but hopefully a viable solution for the time being.
Thank you again for your feedback and don't hesitate to contact us again if you have any more questions.
Kind Regards,
Product Owner - www.7pace.com
Hi Andrea - Is it possible to get the Billable Hours added to the 7pace Timetracker tab so I can at least track those more easily? I have found where I can manually edit the Billable Hours (using the Time Explorer), however, I need a way to quickly check to see if a client is running out of hours.
Hi Marc
we don't display that information on the 7pace Timetracker tab I am afraid (not yet at least). However, if you use budgets you should be able to get the total amount of billable hours logged against each budget on the top right hand corner inside the Budgets area. Does this help?
Product Owner - www.7pace.com
Hi Andrea
The Budgets page helps, but only to a point. Again, it's a bit of a pain to have to go to several pages in order to gather all of the required information.
However, that being said, I have also discovered the reporting page where I did manage to create a little widget that provides tracked and billable time.
What I am missing is the ability to list all of the tracked items in a budget and show the tracked and billed time for each. If you can figure out how I can add that to my reporting page, I think I can make do.
Giving the ability to show/hide billable time more prominently, in my opinion, is a required feature. You guys are collecting the data but are making it somewhat difficult to make use of. Just saying :)
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