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Problem to connect TimeTracker

Officially Answered



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    Olivier Marquis

    FYI, I connect with Microsoft SSIS dayly using Webservices.

    I tested with Postman too (interactive mode) and It doesn't work. I have the same error message.


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    Hello, Olivier

    Thanks for your message.

    We believe that your Service Account may have lost authorization. In order to confirm and fix this, whoever is the project collection admin who is assigned to the role of Service Account within your organization (you can see this under Timetracker "Settings" -> Service Account) should login and open any Timetracker page. They will see a yellow banner at a top of any Timetracker page asking them to re-authorize; please click "Authorize" and proceed as described in the banner.

    Kind regards,

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    Olivier Marquis

    Hello Anton,

    thank you for your response. My organization 'll test the solution.

    Waiting, do you have a response pour the new API 3.0 and the missing Field 'WorkSystem_Parent_Id' ?

    My upgrade is in stand by for this.


    Best Regards,


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    Olivier Marquis

    Hello Anton,

    our admin doesn't know connect to the TimeTracker Page.

    We tested on Azure DevOps page but we don't see the TimeTracker API, only WorkItem API (we have 2 API).

    If it's not on Azure DevOps site, is it on this site ? With my account, I can't see anything. And I have not the admin account.

    How can I do ? Do you have the good link for Timetracker "Settings" -> Service Account ?





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    Hello, Olivier

    Thanks for your message.

    Here is a link to Timetracker configuration page, but you should replace [YOUR_DevOps_Organization_Name] and [YOUR_DevOps_Project_Name] values (with brackets). 


    Missing field 'WorkSystem_Parent_Id' in API 3.0 was fixed, so you could use it.

    Kind regards,

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    Olivier Marquis

    Hello Anton,


    yhanks for your response.

    I come back about the ParentID.

    When I query the data, I dont’t find the field « ParentID ». See below.

    Are you sure that the field exists ? Can you give me the exact name ?


    Best regards,



    List of all fields :

    "@odata.context": "https://cegid.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.0/$metadata#workLogsWorkItems",
    "value": [
    "Id": "9ee8060f-b8e2-4fc0-a047-002edb03ead4",
    "UserId": "4ba21136-4a9e-414c-bc48-b1f9af572723",
    "AddedByUserId": "4ba21136-4a9e-414c-bc48-b1f9af572723",
    "BudgetId": null,
    "ActivityTypeId": "c30c3a6d-aacd-46b2-833d-acd3d33d830d",
    "WorkItemId": 412232,
    "Timestamp": "2020-08-28T00:00:00Z",
    "PeriodLength": 1800,
    "Comment": null,
    "EditedTimestamp": "2020-08-30T20:03:51.757Z",
    "CreatedTimestamp": "2020-08-30T20:03:51.757Z",
    "IsTracked": false,
    "IsManuallyEntered": true,
    "IsChanged": false,
    "IsTrackedExtended": false,
    "IsImported": false,
    "IsFromApi": true,
    "IsBillable": false,
    "BillablePeriodLength": null,
    "User": {
    "Id": "4ba21136-4a9e-414c-bc48-b1f9af572723",
    "Name": "Carole Guardiola",
    "Email": "cguardiola@cegid.com"
    "ActivityType": {
    "Id": "c30c3a6d-aacd-46b2-833d-acd3d33d830d",
    "Color": "#ff00cc",
    "Name": "03. Development : Development"
    "AddedByUser": {
    "Id": "4ba21136-4a9e-414c-bc48-b1f9af572723",
    "Name": "Carole Guardiola",
    "Email": "cguardiola@cegid.com"
    "Budget": {
    "Id": null,
    "BudgetName": null
    "WorkItem": {
    "BudgetAssignmentType": "NoBudget",
    "System_AreaId": 1549,
    "System_CreatedDate": "2020-08-06T11:35:55.957Z",
    "System_IterationId": 9745,
    "System_Id": 412232,
    "System_AreaPath": "Loop\\P275_4 Cegid Loop Paie\\PlanPaie",
    "System_AssignedTo": "Carole Guardiola <cguardiola@cegid.com>",
    "System_CreatedBy": "Carole Guardiola <cguardiola@cegid.com>",
    "System_IterationPath": "Loop\\COMETE\\PdP - MODELISATION\\PdP Modelisation Sprint 23",
    "System_NodeName": "PlanPaie",
    "System_Reason": "Work finished",
    "System_RevisedDate": "9999-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "System_State": "Done",
    "System_TeamProject": "Loop",
    "System_Title": "[CC 1090/PRIME] Validation PR - Prime d'astreinte",
    "System_WorkItemType": "Task",
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Build_FoundIn": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Build_IntegrationBuild": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_Blocked": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_Committed": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_Escalate": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_FoundInEnvironment": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_HowFound": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_MeetingType": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_Probability": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_RequirementType": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_RequiresReview": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_RequiresTest": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_RootCause": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_TargetResolveDate": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_TaskType": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_CMMI_UserAcceptanceTest": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ActivatedBy": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ActivatedDate": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Activity": "Development",
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_BacklogPriority": 1857142846.0,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_BusinessValue": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ClosedBy": "Carole Guardiola <cguardiola@cegid.com>",
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ClosedDate": "2020-08-28T10:03:39.803Z",
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Discipline": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Issue": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Priority": 2,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Rating": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ResolvedBy": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ResolvedDate": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ResolvedReason": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ReviewedBy": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Risk": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Severity": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_StackRank": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_StateChangeDate": "2020-08-28T10:03:39.803Z",
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_TimeCriticality": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_Triage": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ValueArea": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Feedback_ApplicationType": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_CompletedWork": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_DueDate": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_Effort": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_FinishDate": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_OriginalEstimate": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_RemainingWork": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_Size": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_StartDate": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_StoryPoints": null,
    "Microsoft_VSTS_Scheduling_TargetDate": null,
    "CustomStringField1": null,
    "CustomStringField2": null,
    "CustomStringField3": null,
    "CustomStringField4": null,
    "CustomStringField5": null,
    "CustomNumericField1": null,
    "CustomNumericField2": null,
    "CustomNumericField3": null,
    "CustomNumericField4": null,
    "CustomNumericField5": null,
    "CustomBooleanField1": null,
    "CustomBooleanField2": null,
    "CustomBooleanField3": null,
    "CustomBooleanField4": null,
    "CustomBooleanField5": null,
    "Budget": null
    "EditedByUser": {
    "Id": "4ba21136-4a9e-414c-bc48-b1f9af572723",
    "Name": "Carole Guardiola",
    "Email": "cguardiola@cegid.com"
    "WorklogDate": {
    "Year": 2020,
    "Month": 8,
    "Day": 0,
    "ShortDate": "2020-08-28"
    "@odata.nextLink": "https://cegid.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.0/workLogsWorkItems?$filter=Timestamp%20ge%202020-08-01T00%3A00%3A00Z%20and%20Timestamp%20lt%202020-08-31T00%3A00%3A00Z&$skip=1000"

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    Hello Olivier,

    If you want to get the ParentId field, you should use v3.1-beta instead of v3.0 and use expand=ParentItem.
    After that, the ParentItem object will be available, and its System_Id will be the ParentId you are looking for.

    Please let us know if this can help you.

    Kind regards,

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    Olivier Marquis

    Ok, Thanks Anton.

    I found it with this URL : https://cegid.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.1-beta/WorkItems(385732)/parent

    To retrieve just ParentTFSID, I must query per ID.

    You confirm I can't use batch mode (listing) to retrieve for example all ParentID between two dates?

    Best regards,




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    Hello Olivier,

    You can use "workLogsWorkitems" endpoint in v3.1-beta with "$expand=ParentItem" parameter. This endpoint should cover your requirements if I understood them correctly. As a result, you will find the "Timestamp" property of a worklog that you can filter by, and also, you will find "ParentItem -> System_Id", which will give you the desired ParentTFSID.

    Request example:

    GET: https://cegid.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.1-beta/workLogsWorkitems?$expand=ParentItem

    I hope it helps.

    Kind regards,

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    Olivier Marquis

    Hello George,

    Great ! It's work. Thank you so much.

    I'm using actually 2 interfaces : 7space for time tracking and Azure DevOps to retrieve a Custom field related to WorkItems : Custom.Nature.

    URI : https://dev.azure.com/cegid/_apis/wit/workitems?ids=178460&api-version=5.0-preview.3&errorPolicy=omit

    Response : "Custom.Nature": "2. Product Evolution"

    By any chance, do you have this field in your API ?

    If yes, I give up Azure DevOps and only pass through you.

    Thanks ,

    Best Regards,





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    Hello Floris,


    Yes, you can do it using customFields. Here is an example:

    GET: https://cegid.timehub.7pace.com/api/odata/v3.1-beta/workLogsWorkitems?$expand=ParentItem&customFields=Custom.Nature

    You will be able to access the value of this field with "WorkItem -> CustomStringField1" property.


    Kind regards,


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