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Unhandled exception in Timetracker server

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    Hello hadded,

    Could you please update Timetracker to last version, enable cookies (by steps from this article - https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001381243 ) and try to perform the following actions after that:
    1. Open 7pace Timetracker Configuration Tool on the server-side 
    2. Open any settings subpage (for example IIS Settings)
    3. Click Save button without changing anything 

    This will reinstall extension in your DevOps server and might solve any issues related to extension setup process.

    Please let me know if this can help you.

    Kind regards,

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    hadded ayyadi


    Thank your for the quick response 

    I reinstalled, reconfigured as well as i activated cookies.

    But the issue is still there.


    I have an On-Site Azure Devops with its own URL.( azuredevops.it

    I have ON-Site Time Tracker width its own URL azuredevops-timetricker.it.


    Normally the URL should be : 

    https://AZURE DEVOPS URL/_public/_Bundling/DynamicBundles?scripts=VSS%2FControls%3B*Controls%2FStatusIndicator&v=Dev17.M153.5&theme=Default&loc=en-US&json&_=1598018366340


    But in my case it was https://TIME TRICKER URL/_public/_Bundling/DynamicBundles?scripts=VSS%2FControls%3B*Controls%2FStatusIndicator&v=Dev17.M153.5&theme=Default&loc=en-US&json&_=1598018366340

    when i replace in the TimTrickerUrl by the AzureDevopsUrl it works fine  




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    Hello hadded,

    Could you please explain, does this have any effect on your work with the Timetracker, or is it just a message in the Console/failed request in Network tab?

    Kind regards,


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