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Add an 'Excluded' time total on the budget page next to 'Planned', 'Tracked' and 'Billable' totals

Gathering Feedback



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    Andrea Moro

    Hi Tom,

    thank-you for your suggestion, I'll change the status of this thread to 'Gathering Feedback' so we can see what others think about it. In the meantime, as a workaround, have you considered creating a separate budget specifically to gather 'excluded' items? For example you could have a budget called 'Client xyz' and another one called 'Client xyz - excluded' and keep an eye on the numbers that way. Would this help?

    Kind Regards,

    Product Owner - www.7pace.com

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    Tom Woodforde

    Hi Andrea, 

    Yes absolutely, that's exactly what we're doing.  Ultimately I think the total on the original project would be useful though because:

    • it's slower to keep jumping between pages to have to see the totals
    • we don't want to have to rely on people remembering to check those ancillary exclusion projects, because if they forget to do so we may not spot that the total value excluded is getting higher than we'd like
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    Andrea Moro

    Understood, thank-you Tom!

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