Also, same time entry for remainder of the week instead of inputting one by one.
Hi Joe,
Thank-you very much for reaching out. Just to understand a bit more about your use case - would you need this for recurring events that happen every week on the same day/time?
Maybe you saw this in the video you mentioned above, but a few months back we implemented a feature request which was about displaying the items the user logged time against in previous weeks on Timesheet. If you enable this, you could copy paste values directly into the relevant cells from there, though you would need to make sure that the correct Activity Type is applied. Also this would only work if you were to create a single worklog per work-item per day. Not exactly what you described but hopefully it's an acceptable workaround for the time being.
I'll update this thread to 'gathering feedback' so we can see what other customers think about this. If you have any other thoughts or questions let me know.
Many thanks,
Product Owner -
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