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Show the amount of remaining work/efffort next to the budget.

Gathering Feedback



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    Sascha Zierfuss

    Hi Jan! 

    Unfortunately the remaining work isn't available on Budgets. I'd like a bit more information on your use case though, are you looking for Planned - Tracked, or is it to check Planned vs total estimated?

    There is a workaround that might help you, we have a reporting widget that can give you the total estimated and remaining work for workitems. Perhaps this would work?

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    Jan Hnízdil

    Hello Sascha,

    thank you for your reply.

    Specifically, I am interested in all three values. That is, my planned time (my budget for the project), also the time already tracked, and also the remaining time. I need to keep track that Planned (budget) time > (tracked time + remaining time). So that my budget will not overflow.

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    Sascha Zierfuss

    Thank you for additional info, I'm marking this thread as gathering feedback and hopefully we can get some input from others as well.


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