It would be very useful to be able to at least retrieve the billableDate from the API for worklogs to allow items that were deferred for billing to be included in a later report.
Design work is completed upfront prior to any invoicing.
Weeks late the project is given the go ahead and an export needs to be generated of all billable work to date. (not just all worklogs).
The ability to edit the billed date would also be very useful as it would allow you to stage the billing for a future date.
Hey Nick!
Currently we don't have billable date, you could use a custom field for this, but it would only apply on work items and not worklogs. You could also create a budget for your project and attach to it all epics/stories/worklogs that apply (you can exclude items that you don't want as well), then you'd only need to run a budget report to see the total time tracked so far. Would that work for you?
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