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How to configure pre-selected values button in Timetracker's "Add Time" Dialog box

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    Roman Fianta

    Hello Dominique,

    Thank you for the feedback! Currently, the values are not configurable, but we might introduce this in the future if we see that it resonates with the community; we have put the ticket to our backlog for the time being.

    For us to better understand the use case, I would like to schedule a short call with you. I will reach out to you via email.

    All the best,

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    Jeroen Van Antwerpen

    Hello Roman,

    I was searching for the same functionality. Having a button for 0.25h (our minimal granularity) and (8h a full day) makes a lot of sense. I understand it doesn't make much sense for everyone, though, it would help if these buttons were configurable.
    I also have to log a lot of time in between. So a +/- with such a minimal granularity would also be helpful.

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    Roman Fianta

    Hello Jeroen!

    Having +/- controls is a great idea for further streamlining the experience for users preferring mouse or touch screen, thank you for that! We will include it into our thought process once this requirement moves into Discovery phase (currently it, unfortunately, still sits in the backlog).

    All the best,

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