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Error while editing a past entry (in process)

Officially Answered



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    Maxim Shestakov

    Hi Jean-Sebastien!

    Thank you for your message and my apologies for the issues you are experiencing.
    It looks like this issue is connected with our today's release with improvements in "Billable" feature. We've disabled it until we will find the root cause. Could you please confirm that everything is working fine now?


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    Jean-Sebastien Parent

    Hi Maxim, it does solve the problem for now.

    As I said, I'm pretty confident it has to do with user not having the right to edit billable time and display of billable toggle (which sets it to off in editing).

    When setting it to Team level, user has the right and it does work, but we see that billable is now Off instead of On in the Worklog edit panel (api shows it at On in underlying data) -- which  seems to be the root cause.


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