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Workitem erroneously required when creating independent entry

Officially Answered



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    Vanja Pletikosić

    Hello Michael,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. If you do not have a work item linked to your time track, you need to at least have a comment in order to begin tracking or add time manually, so that the time record is traceable. This setting only governs whether or not you wish to require users to always have to use a work item for time tracking, but even with it unchecked, one or the other is required, either a work item or a comment.

    Please let me know if this clears it up.

    Best regards,

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    Michael Lavatman

    Hi Vanja,

    Yes, I figured it out on my own after a few attempts. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my description. First I don't know why you are forcing comment if I select activity.  Also, what would be helpful if in the error summary section at the bottom  you specify that at least one of the fields is required.


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