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Is there any chance to have a client of timetracker for Mac users?




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    Sascha Zierfuss

    Hi everyone! The Mac app is now out! You can visit the Apps page within 7pace Timetracker and download it right now, let us know what you think!

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    Marc Schaeffler

    We have that in our backlog, definetly.
    For the moment, the priority is a bit lower, so we have no plans to start implementation in the first half of 2016.
    Keep on voting for that! Seeing more traffic on this item here will raise the backlog priorities.

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    Marc Schaeffler

    Hi Loyalytics - the HTML client is planned to be released within the next 3 months. Actually, we have an internal schedule to have it available by September, but the HTML client (along with the other clients) is depending by quite a bunch of architecture changes which need to be tested extensively. We already started to use the new client architecture internally a couple of weeks ago, and we love it! ;-)

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    Marc Schaeffler

    Please sign in here if you like to get early access to the HTML client (for Mac users as well). It contains the new Windows client on availability, Smartphone client and native Mac client will be out soon after. http://eepurl.com/c1pxx9

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    An official API to integrate with, would be great. That way, your customers can build Mac or Mobile apps clients for TFS Timetracker. Would make my life a lot easier, since I also track meetings in TFS Timetracker (and I don't always carry my laptop to every meeting).

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    Andreas Olsson

    @marcschaeffler What's the status on this? Is it still on the backlog?

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    Marc Schaeffler

    Hello Andreas - I can confirm that there will be new clients later this year, including the option to track your time on a Mac. We are currently working on a big update on the architecture for all clients, there will be a preview soon. First, there will be a HTML client allowing to track on all platforms, later there will be native thin clients for non-Windows platforms, including Linux and Mac.

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    Ricardo Camps

    Hi Marc,

    No news/forecast on the Mac client?


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    Marc Schaeffler

    Hi Ricardo - the Mac client is still expected to be available in 2017. 

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    Loyalytics Consulting

    Marc - when is the launch of the HTML client expected?

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    Andreas Olsson

    Could you maybe share a screenshot of how it looks like? :)

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Andreas,

    Here we go: couple of photos from our own TFS with new HTML client we implemented and testing:





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    Marc Schaeffler

    We have just posted a screenshot of the Mac client - see it in the "Production Room" in our Facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/7pace/photos/a.1957519377804893.1073741828.1866679836888848/2010320815858082/?type=3&theater


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    Andreas Olsson Cdab

    @marc Looks awesome, this will be great!

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    Andreas Olsson

    @marc Thanks! I have filled out the form. Will I have to wait to get an invite now?

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    Johanna Fitzinger

    Hi, I'd love to try the new Mac client as soon as possible. I have signed up for early access. Is there anything else I need to do?


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    Sascha Zierfuss

    Hello Apple fans!

    I'm resurrecting this request to announce that our Mac app is on track to be released before Christmas! We're still working on it, but I'm looking for a few early adopters that would be interested in trying out what we have and providing us with some valuable feedback. The current version of the app allows tracking of course, but also creating work logs manually as well as editing work logs.

    If you are interested in participating, please respond here and I will reach out to you!


    Sascha, Product Manager @ 7pace

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