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Email Alert or Notification - New Time Sheet Awaiting Approval




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    Graham Lacey

    I would second this request. We have multiple managers approving specific people across our team. At this time, they have to go in periodically and find their people to approve. I would like to be able to select an individual manager for each person in User Management, and have those managers sent an email when a timesheet is submitted for approval. 

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi guys,

    We are evaluating possibilities for sending out notifications. I appriciate your feedback, this is great feature to start whole notification system from. I will post updates here when we have more news on this feature request.


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    Magnus Schroder

    Also, it would be great if administrators could set automatic reminders to be sent to users that have not submitted their Timesheets at a pre-configured time. 

    Preferably it could be configured to send a reminder a set number of hours/days/weeks after the last work day, or even before end of the last work day (number of hours/days negative or positive relative to the end of last work day of the week).

    Reminders could be made via email or some other means of communication

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    7pace tech support

    Email notifications "Awaiting Approval" and "Timesheet Approved" are implemented in 4.27 update.

    It is rolled out in Azure DevOps and available to download already.

    Thank you for the feedback!

    @Magnus: right now automatic reminders are not yet available and unfortunately it is not in the plans as of today.


    Maxim Lutsan

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    Magnus Schroder

    @Maxim: Now when I search I find: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000413743-Automated-reminders-for-people-to-enter-time
    It seems to have status "In the works". Is this true, or what can we expect?

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