We like the Monthly page to add our times. When typing in the field "TFS ID" on the Add/Edit Time dialog box, we get a list of matching work items - that's great. The only drawback: This filter works on ALL work items, regardless of their state. E.g. this list includes also work items with state closed and also work items from other TFS projects. Is there an option to filter on this work items?
Official comment
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to let you all know that our latest release contains a feature allowing you to restrict time entry on closed items. You can learn more on our blog post here.
I'd like to get your thoughts on the feature so would really appreciate if you could take 2 minutes of your time to fill out this 3 question survey.
Thank you in advance and happy tracking!
Sascha, Product Manager - www.7pace.com
Comment actions -
This question was asked by a colleage of mine a year ago, it is now related to a newer post:
As I wrote in the comments of the other Feature Request this issue is really painful at the moment. We have one giant project and a _lot_ of closed Tasks/US/Bugs by now. The possibility to restrict timebooking to filter just unclosed workitems would help us tremendously when we are booking the times of today!
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