we have multiple teams. The PM for each team is supposed to approve the timesheets of their team members. It would be great if I could assign an Approver to each team member, so they can get notified and approve the time.
Of course it would also be great if Approvers can define a backup in case they are unavailable.
Otherwise it gets hard to manage timesheets within bigger organizations.
...and supporting big organizations probably pays off (literally).
Hello everyone,
We finally released Approval Managers feature, now it is possible to chose manager on submitting time for approval.
You can check details in the blog post here https://www.7pace.com/blog/set-and-assign-approval-managers-in-release-4-27 and in release notes here: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027333092-7pace-Timetracker-for-DevOps-Server-DevOps-Services-4-27-0-2019-04-25
Maxim Lutsan
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