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How do you produce invoices?

Gathering Feedback



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    Beth Moore

    Hello, here is a summary of our billing process

    • There is a table of clients (entities to be billed)
      • Client information includes:  Name, Address, Phone, Email
      • Client has a Default Hourly Billing Rate and terms for when invoice will be due (e.g., 30 days from issue date)
      • Different clients can have different Default Hourly Billing Rates
      • Workers can have an Hourly Billing Rate for a Client different than the Client’s default
      • Workers can have a different Hourly Billing Rate for different Clients
    • Work Items are associated with a Client
    • Time is logged by a particular Worker against a Work Item
      • Important:  The hours we want to bill are not always the total hours worked.
      • Worker needs to be able to log total time worked.
      • By default, time to bill is equal to total time logged.
      • Worker and/or a Manager needs to be able to set a different number of hours to be billed.  This is done frequently.
    • Amount to bill is Billable Hours logged (not always the same as Total Hours) * Rate = Cost
    • Rate is Worker’s individual Hourly Billing Rate for Client of Work Item, if applicable, else Client’s Default Hourly Billing Rate
    • Some tasks are not billable and no hours logged for them are billable
    • Billing is done once per month
      • Invoices are created in a draft state to be review
      • Only hours for a selected time period should bill.  E.g., if billing on 2/5/19 for January, hours logged from 2/1-2/5 should not be included on the bill
      • Edits may be made to time logged and invoices need to be recalculated
      • Once invoices are complete, they need to be marked as final so they cannot be changed or deleted
      • Invoices need an invoice number and a due date based on net terms
    • Sometimes a miscellaneous charge amount needs to be added to a bill that does not relate to time logged
      • This addition should have a Description, Date and Amount
    • Time may be logged at Task level but Requirement level information should be available for Bill Presentation; e.g.:
      • Requirement 123:  Reset Password
        • Worker A logs 2 hours on Day 1 with Activity Type Planning (for Requirement)
        • Task 124: User Interface
          • Worker A logs 8 hours Day 1 with Activity Type Development (for Task)
        • Task 125: Database Changes
          • Worker B logs 4 hours Day 2 with Activity Type Development (for Task)
          • Worker B logs 2 hours Day 3 with Activity Type Development (for Task)
        • Task 126: Automated Testing
          • Worker C logs 3 hours Day 4 with Activity Type Testing (for Task)
          • Worker D logs 2 hours Day 5 with Activity Type Testing (for Task)
      • Requirement work item is set to client with $200 default rate and Worker C has a different rate of $225
      • Bill Presentation:            
        • Requirement-Activity     Worker    Date     Hours   Rate   Amount
        • 123 Reset Password-Planning Person A  1/1/19  2 hours @ $200 = $400
        • 123 Reset Password-Development Person A 1/1/19 8 hours @ $200 = $1,600
        • 123 Reset Password-Development Person B 1/2/19  4 hours @ $200  = $800
        • 123 Reset Password-Development Person B  1/3/19 2 hours @ $200 = $400
        • 123 Reset Password-Testing Person C  1/4/19  3 hours @  $225 = $675
        • 123 Reset Password-Testing Person D  1/5/19  2 hours @ $200 =  $400
      • Requirements may be assigned a Purchase Order (PO) Number and work across Requirements for the same PO Number should be grouped together on the invoice and the PO Number listed
      • In addition to billing details by task, also need total billing dollars and hours by Requirement, PO and for the total invoice
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    Hi Alex,

    Go for it, we don't mind! Share it with us when you are ready.


    Maxim Lutsan

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    Алекс Т

    Yes, how to create invoice?

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    Maxim Shestakov

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for your feedback!
    Could you please provide a more detailed use case?
    What data do you need in invoice details?
    Do you need only sum in hours, or you need a possibility to add the cost of an hour?
    How do you plan to select/filter tracks that you want to invoice?


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    Hi Beth,

    I am collecting information for your FR, there are some parts that already supported by Timetracker and/or have workarounds, some of them missing like entering hourly rate.

    I will post another update here soon with details how to get as close as possible to your requirements.


    Maxim Lutsan

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    1. From what I see your Clients is very close to our Budgets feature: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000550643--Budgets-Page-Overview

      It is possible to assign Work Items or Iterations to a Budget, budget can be a representation of your client.

      When someone is tracking time against work item assigned to a budget: every worklog will automatically get that budget from work item.

    2. There is a Billable/Non-Billable feature in Timetracker, you can enable it and set "Default as billable" to set billable to true by default: https://support.7pace.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025549491-Settings-General-Rules-7pace-Timetracker-4

    The hourly rate of workers not possible, I'd suggest to do it on the step with preparing data after exporting from Timetracker.

    Invoicing itself is not possible, some manual actions will be required to be done to prepare an invoice like exporting data from Timetracker, organizing it in Excel and copying numbers into actual invoice.


    Maxim Lutsan



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    Beth Moore

    Thank you!  We will investigate the Budgets and Billable/Non-Billable features.

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    Алекс Т

    We are going to make a plugin for TimeTracker to make invoices. Don't you mind guys it we will updoad this plugin as extension to the DevOps Marketplace?

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    Алекс Т

    Beth could you please contact me? I'd like to help you with invoices


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